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How to deploy Nebari on pre-existing infrastructure

Nebari can also be deployed on top of Kubernetes clusters. In this documentation, we will guide you through the process of deploying Nebari into a pre-existing Kubernetes cluster.

To make it easier for you to follow along, we will outline the steps for such deployment with a simple infrastructure example. We will use tabs to represent the different provider steps/configurations. Let's get started!

Evaluating the infrastructure

This is an optional stage and will only be used as part of this guided example, for setting up an initial infrastructure.

In this example, a basic web app is already running on an EKS cluster. Here is a tutorial on how to set up the Guestbook web app, containing more details.

The existing EKS cluster has one Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with three subnets, each in its Availability Zone, and no node groups. There are three nodes running on a t3.medium EC2 instance, but unfortunately, Nebari's general node group requires a more powerful instance type.

Before proceeding, ensure that the subnets can "automatically assign public IP addresses to instances launched into it" and that there exists an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with the following permissions:

  • AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly
  • AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
Custom CNI policy (Click to expand)
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "eksWorkerAutoscalingAll",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "eksWorkerAutoscalingOwn",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"autoscaling:ResourceTag/": [
"autoscaling:ResourceTag/": [

Creating node groups

Skip this step if node groups already exists.

Follow this guide to create new node groups. Be sure to fill in the following fields carefully:

  • "Node Group configuration"
    • Name must be either general, user or worker
    • Node IAM Role must be the IAM role described proceeding
  • "Node Group compute configuration"
    • Instance type
      • The recommended minimum vCPU and memory for a general node is 8 vCPU / 32 GB RAM
      • The recommended minimum vCPU and memory for a user and worker node is 4 vCPU / 16 GB RAM
    • Disk size
      • The recommended minimum is 200 GB for the attached EBS (block-storage)
  • "Node Group scaling configuration"
    • Minimum size and Maximum size of 1 for the general node group
  • "Node Group subnet configuration"
    • subnet include all existing EKS subnets

Deploying Nebari

Ensure that you are using the existing cluster's kubectl context.

Initialize in the usual manner:

python -m nebari init aws --project <project_name> --domain <domain_name> --ci-provider github-actions --auth-provider github --auth-auto-provision

Then update the nebari-config.yaml file. The important keys to update are:

  • Replace provider: aws with provider: existing
  • Replace amazon_web_services with local
    • And update the node_selector and kube_context appropriately
Example nebari-config.yaml (Click to expand)
project_name: <project_name>
provider: existing
domain: <domain_name>
type: self-signed
type: GitHub
oauth_callback_url: https://<domain_name>/hub/oauth_callback
type: github-actions
branch: main
type: remote
namespace: dev
kube_context: arn:aws:eks:<region>:xxxxxxxxxxxx:cluster/<existing_cluster_name>
value: general
value: user
value: worker
- display_name: Small Instance
description: Stable environment with 2 cpu / 8 GB ram
default: true
cpu_limit: 2
cpu_guarantee: 1.5
mem_limit: 8G
mem_guarantee: 5G
image: quansight/nebari-jupyterlab:latest
- display_name: Medium Instance
description: Stable environment with 4 cpu / 16 GB ram
cpu_limit: 4
cpu_guarantee: 3
mem_limit: 16G
mem_guarantee: 10G
image: quansight/nebari-jupyterlab:latest
Small Worker:
worker_cores_limit: 2
worker_cores: 1.5
worker_memory_limit: 8G
worker_memory: 5G
worker_threads: 2
image: quansight/nebari-dask-worker:latest
Medium Worker:
worker_cores_limit: 4
worker_cores: 3
worker_memory_limit: 16G
worker_memory: 10G
worker_threads: 4
image: quansight/nebari-dask-worker:latest

Once updated, deploy Nebari. When prompted be ready to manually update the DNS record.

  • local or "existing" deployments fail if you pass --dns-auto-provision or --disable-prompt
python -m nebari deploy --config nebari-config.yaml

The deployment completes successfully and all the pods appear to be running and so do the pre-existing Guestbook web app.