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JHub App Launcher with Nebari

JHub App Launcher is a generalized server launcher for deploying web applications via JupyterHub. The App Launcher serves as the "home" page for Nebari - providing access to various Nebari services (e.g. JupyterLab, VS Code, conda-store) and access to deploy custom web apps.

JHub App Launcher home screen

You can use it to create and share apps using various frameworks such as:

  • Panel
  • Bokeh
  • Streamlit
  • Plotly Dash
  • Voila
  • Gradio
  • JupyterLab
  • Any generic Python command

Installation on Nebari

JHub App Launcher can be enabled on Nebari by adding the following in the nebari-config.yml:

enabled: true

JHub App Launcher is was integrated into Nebari in version 2023.12.1 and is not enabled by default.


This integration also supports overrides, as in configuring jhub-apps via nebari-config.yml. The syntax for the same is given below:

enabled: true
# Anything that can be customized via
# c.JAppsConfig.<ATTRIBUTE>
# See
service_workers: 4
- jupyterlab
- custom


Documentation on how to create apps is included in the JHub Apps documentation. Deployed apps on Nebari will utilize environments from conda-store. All apps will need to include jhsingle-native-proxy >= 0.8.2 in their environment along with other framework-specific dependencies. For example, deploying a panel app will require panel itself and additional tools for deploying panel apps such as bokeh-root-cmd >= 0.1.2. See the documentation for specific requirements on each framework.