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Provider configuration

To take advantage of the auto-scaling and dask-distributed computing capabilities, Nebari can be deployed on a handful of the most commonly used cloud providers. Nebari utilizes many of the resources these cloud providers have to offer; however, the Kubernetes engine (or service) is at it's core. Each cloud provider has slightly different ways that Kubernetes is configured but fear not, all of this is handled by Nebari.

The provider section of the configuration file allows you to configure the cloud provider that you are deploying to. Including the region, instance types, and other cloud specific configurations.

Select the provider of your choice:

Google Cloud has the best support for Nebari and is a great default choice for a production deployment. It allows auto-scaling to zero within the node group. There are no major restrictions.

To see available instance types refer to GCP docs.


By default the GKE release channel is set to UNSPECIFIED to prevent the cluster from auto-updating. This has the advantage of ensuring that the Kubernetes version doesn't upgrade and potentially introduce breaking changes. If you'd prefer your cluster's Kubernetes version to update automatically, you can specify a release channel; the options are either stable, regular or rapid.

### Provider configuration ###
project: test-test-test
region: us-central1
kubernetes_version: "1.24.11-gke.1000"
release_channel: "UNSPECIFIED" # default is hidden
instance: n1-standard-4
min_nodes: 1
max_nodes: 1
instance: n1-standard-2
min_nodes: 0
max_nodes: 5
instance: n1-standard-2
min_nodes: 0
max_nodes: 5

Many of the cloud providers regularly update their internal Kubernetes versions so if you wish to specify a particular version, please check the following resources. This is completely optional as Nebari will, by default, select the most recent version available for your preferred cloud provider: Google Cloud Platform; Amazon Web Services; Microsoft Azure.